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Miasto: Świnoujście
wie ktoś co to za wersja, anyone knows what is this version?
Thanks in advance.
Nie pasuje to do żadnej wersji na singlu.
It doesn't match any of the versions on the single.
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03-28-2022, 04:26
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 03-28-2022, 06:11 przez Schwarzertiger.)
This is unreleased mix. It can be found in the album "Mark 'Oh"
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Otrzymał 'thanks': 48
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Eponymous album "Mark 'Oh" released in 2003.
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Miasto: Świnoujście
OK, I checked rip from this album and this version is the shorten version (Radio Edit)
So where does the Extended version come from, which is of poor quality in my recording? Is it available somewhere better? I have it from some pirate album.
Liczba postów: 238
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Otrzymał 'thanks': 303
Przekazał 'thanks': 1
Its only the 2001 Remix Version!