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VA-Dance_Mega_Hits_Vol.1-(MG_119-4)-TAPE-1999-TDM - Wersja do druku

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+--- Wątek: VA-Dance_Mega_Hits_Vol.1-(MG_119-4)-TAPE-1999-TDM (/Thread-VA-Dance-Mega-Hits-Vol-1-MG-119-4-TAPE-1999-TDM)

VA-Dance_Mega_Hits_Vol.1-(MG_119-4)-TAPE-1999-TDM - DJSEBA - 09-01-2022

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 ├─┤─│.               │       └[      T D M      ]┘      │              ..│─├─┤
 │││ :                └──────────────────────────────────┘                : │││
 │║│     ╔════════════════╗ ╔════════════╗      ╔════════════╦═╦══╗         │║│
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 │║│               ╔═╦═╣░░║ ║▒░║ ║▒░║ ║▒░╔═╗▒╚╗ ╔╝▒║  ║▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║         │║│
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 │││ :                      ║▓▓╠═╣▓╔╝ ╚══╝ ╚═╝                            : │││
 └─│─│..                    ╚══╝ ╚═╝                                    ..│─│─┘
     └────────═══╦════════──────    TDM CREW    ──────════════╦═══────────┘
                 ╠══════─────   PROUDLY PRESENTS   ─────══════╣
 ┌─│─│.. ║                                                              ..│─│─┐
 │││ : ╔═╝                                                                : │││
 │║│ ╔═╝                                                                    │║│
 │║│ ╠═─ Artist....: VA                                                     │║│
 │║│ ╠═─ Album.....: Dance Mega Hits Vol.1                                  │║│
 │║│ ╠═─ Genre.....: Trance                                                 │║│
 │║│ ╠═─ Year......: 1999          ╔═─ Quality...: 258kbps 44,1kHz          │║│
 │║│ ╠═─ Source....: Tape          ╠═─ Encoder...: LAME v3.100 -V0          │║│
 │║│ ╠═─ Language..: English       ╠═─ Tracks....: 10                       │║│
 │║│ ╠═─ URL.......:               ╠═─ Playtime..: 38:48 min                │║│
 │║│ ╠═─ Ripper....: Team TDM      ╠═─ Size......: 71,81 MB                 │║│
 │║│ ╚═╗                         ╔═╝                                        │║│
 │││   ╚═════════════════╦═══════╝                                        : │││
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 ┌─│─│..╔╝                ╔═────■                  ■═╗                  ..│─│─┐
 │││ :╔═╝                 ║       TRACKLiSTING       ║                    : │││
 │║│  ║                   ╚═■                  ■────═╝                      │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 01.VA  -  The Sailor Song                             [03:52]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 02.VA  -  Get Up                                      [04:02]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 03.VA  -  no Final                                    [04:13]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 04.VA  -  (Mucho Mambo) Sway                          [03:22]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 05.VA  -  September'99                                [03:33]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 06.VA  -  Happines                                    [03:26]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 07.VA  -  Canta My Baby                               [03:20]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 08.VA  -  Fiesta Rhythm                               [04:25]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 09.VA  -  Summerlove                                  [04:40]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ 10.VA  -  Spaceriders                                 [03:55]     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─                                                        ------     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─                                                      38:48 min    │║│
 │║│  ╠═─                                                      71,81 MB     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─                                                                   │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╚═╗                                                                   │║│
 │││ :  ║                                                                 : │││
 └─│─│..║                                                               ..│─│─┘
 ┌─│─│...                ╔═────■                    ■═╗                ...│─│─┐
 │││ :                   ║       RELEASE  NOTES       ║                   : │││
 │║│                     ╚═■                    ■────═╝                     │║│
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 │││ :                                                                    : │││
 └─│─│...                                                              ...│─│─┘
 ┌─│─│...     ║       ╔═────■                           ■═╗            ...│─│─┐
 │││ :        ║       ║       GROUP iNFO and GREETS       ║               : │││
 │║│  ╔═══════╝       ╚═■                           ■────═╝                 │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ The history of TDMLiVE began at Trezor Club Szczecin in 2004.     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ Currently, the club does not exist and remains only in the        │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ wonderful memories of the people who party there, but             │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ Trezor Dance Mission Live is still going on!                      │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ TDMLiVE has, and continues to be, an active group within          │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ the MP3 scene for 18 years now. Without limiting ourselves to     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ particular genres, we have always strived to bring you the best   │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ in (live) electronic music.                                       │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ With over 16000 releases, we are proud to be an established       │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ name within the scene. We will continue in our humble efforts     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ to provide you with quality electronic music in the coming        │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ years..                                                           │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ Respect to all groups who focus on quality and friendship and     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ make the scene a better place.                                    │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ Greetz to all our friends.                                        │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ We are currently looking for:                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ - Affil sites                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ - Experienced live (SAT/CABLE/FM/DAB/SBD/LINE) rippers            │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ - Experienced (WEB/CD/TAPE/Vinyl) rippers                         │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╠═─ Contact: if you are outside from scene, stay away from us         │║│
 │║│  ║   and don't look for contact with us.                               │║│
 │║│  ║                                                                     │║│
 │║│  ╚═─ E-mail: None iRC: Private (not for public)                        │║│
 │││ :                                                                    : │││
 └─│─│...                                                              ...│─│─┘
       ║ UPDATED: 20-01-2022   (ę)   2004 - 2022    ASCii: 100% TDMLiVE ║

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