▄▀ Va - Dance 94 Vol 2
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BiTRATE/MODE: ▄▀¦¦ ▄¦ avg. 262kbps / VBR
Encoder.....: ▀█▄▄▄¦▄ LAME V3.1 -V0
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SOURCE......: ▀▄¦▒ ▒▀ Cdda
TRACKS......: ▀█¦▓ █ 01 / 73:05
SIZE........: ▄▀▀¦▓ ▀▀ 137.26 MB
LABEL.......: ▀¦¦ ▀▓ N/A
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01.Va - Dance 94 Vol 2 73:05
Tracklist :
Ace Of Base-Happy Nation 3:30
Carpe Diem-Snake Charmer (Flute Mix Radio Edit) 2:54
Fluxland-Fluxland (Radio Version) 1:42
Intermission Feat. Lori Glori-Six Days (Airplay Edit) 3:00
Egma-Love Is... (Station Edit) 2:45
Black Box-Bright On Time (1994 Radio Remix) 3:05
Cappella-U & Me (House Mix) 2:51
Haddaway-Rock My Heart (Radio Mix) 3:21
Cartouche-Feel The Groove Remix (Radio Version) 3:08
Perplexer-Acid Folk (Vokal) 3:36
U96-Inside Your Dreams (Video Version) 2:19
Quench-Dreams (Radio Edit) 3:41
Einstein Doctor Deejay-Automatik Sex 2:45
Double You-Heart Of Glass (Radio Mix) 2:36
East 17-It's Alright (The Guvnor Mix) 2:57
Reel II Real-I Like To Move It (Radio Edit) 3:31
Unity Power Feat Roselyne Clarke-Eddy Steady Go ! 2:08
Latino Party-Caramba (Radio Edit) 2:08
Dr Alban-Look Who's Talking (Short) 2:55
2 Unlimited-Maximum Overdrive (Radio Edit) 3:03
Fun Tomas-Kung Fu Dancing (Radio Edit) 1:58
Blake Amado-Your Love (London Radio Mix) 2:39
La Bouche-Sweet Dreams (Radio Version) 2:57
M People-Renaissance (Radio Mix) 3:36
Robin S-I Want To Thank You (Radio Edit) 3:47
Mixed CDDA with .cue, Njoy
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