DJ_Xelerator_Feat_The_Teaser-Techno_Forever-_MLB03_-Promo_CDR-2006-BF - Restless - 04-10-2019
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۲˛ÜßÜ °˛ß˛ß± DJ Xelerator Feat The Teaser - Techno For ±ß˛ß ° Üßܲ˛Ű
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˛ß۲ÜÜ °ß߲±°Ü RLS DATE.......: 11/04/2006 Ü°±˛ßß° ÜÜŰŰ߲
ţ± Ű Ü˛ß˛ÜÜ° GENRE..........: Trance °ÜÜ˛ß˛Ü˛Ű ±ţ
° ˛ °ß˛Üß˛Ü COMPANY........: White ܲßܲ߰ °˛ °
°Ü˛Ü °˛ÝŢ˛Ý URL............: n/a ޲Ý޲° ܲܰ
°Ü ß Ü˛ßÜ˛ß SiZE...........: 22,4 MB ߲Üß˛Ü ß Ü°
°±ÜܲŰŰŰ۱ TYPE...........: Promo ±ŰŰŰ۲Üܱ°
ܲßܲ±°Ű۲۰ QUALiTY........: VBR kbps, 44,1kHz, °Ű˛ŰŰ°±˛Ü߲Ü
޲ÝŢŰÝ°ţ۲±Ű Joint-Stereo ۱˛Űţ°ŢŰÝ޲Ý
߲Ü߲±°Ű±°Ű ţ SOURCE.........: CDDA Ű°±Ű°±˛ßܲŰ
°ßŰ ßŰ° Ű ° ENCODER........: Lame 3.90.3 VBR+APS° Ű °Űß Űß° Ű
° ŰÜţŰÜܲßß TRACKS.........: 03 ß߲ÜÜŰţÜŰ ˛ Ű
ŰÝ Ű۲° TOTAL LENGHT...: 18:47 min °˛Ű˛°ŢŰ ± ţ Ű
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° °˛ Ü ± °˛°˛˛ß° TRACKLIST & NOTES °ß˛˛°˛° ± Ü ˛° ° °
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01 techno forever (alternative club mix) 06:09
02 techno forever (club mix) 06:34
03 techno forever (krister t remix) 06:04
If you like this Release, go and get yourself a legal copy of
it. We did so too. Remember to support the creators of this!
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BeatForge was first established back in the early 90s.
Together with RNS we started the hype of mp3. During the
following years BeatForge was the most successful electronic
releasing crew around, but after several splits, the group was
finally closed in the late 90s. Many of the older groups
today have their origin from us.
But now, 6 years later, the legend returns. We are back to
give you the best quality in electronic music as we used to do.
Our main attention is providing you music we love and to live
the old well-known friendly atmosphere within the scene which
is hard to find nowadays. We dont want to fight other scene-
groups - thats the job of the fbi.
Last but not least: We do NOT support any way of making
profit out of the scene. Remember and respect the artists
of our beloved music. We are against all p2p networks and
public spreading of our work!
If you think you can provide at least one of the following,
drop us a mail to [email protected]!
ţ Promo/Pre-Store Media Supplier (CD/Vinyl/MDVDR)
ţ DJ/Press/Producer/Music Store Workers
ţ Talented Retail Ripper (Vinyl/CD/MDVDR)
ţ legit shell Supplier
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RE: DJ_Xelerator_Feat_The_Teaser-Techno_Forever-_MLB03_-Promo_CDR-2006-BF - DJChewZiLing - 04-10-2019
Thank you so much for the Download Link @Restless
With Love <3
RE: DJ_Xelerator_Feat_The_Teaser-Techno_Forever-_MLB03_-Promo_CDR-2006-BF - Kolejoman - 04-10-2019
Ja też dziękuje za relka
ale bez tego ''love'' bo ja nie z tych