Liczba postów: 24,973
Liczba wątków: 19,423
Otrzymał 'thanks': 47,452
Przekazał 'thanks': 20,545
In my personal opinion this is one of the best Hands Up remixes of this track.
For some unknown reason, all references to this remix have been removed...
Aso Mamiko - Drive Me Crazy To Love (Bassregion Remix)
Liczba postów: 24,973
Liczba wątków: 19,423
Otrzymał 'thanks': 47,452
Przekazał 'thanks': 20,545
If you want to save your favorite music or track, then always download it to your PC, laptop, etc. Never trust all internet chronicles. Today they are, and tomorrow they are closed... No one will return your data.
technorocker example.
Now even the name is forbidden to write... It was a progressive site, but what went wrong... I don't go into details...
I saved a lot of tracks from this site on my PC and now sometimes I share with you.
I'll say it again. If you want to hear your favorite track again, then don't trust anyone, but save it on your (PC, etc._)