12-29-2018, 21:51
A Goofy Movie is a 1995 animated musical comedy road film, produced by Disney MovieToons and Walt Disney Television Animation and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The animated directorial debut of Kevin Lima, the film is based on The Disney Afternoon television series Goof Troop created by Mike Peraza, and acts as a follow-up to the show. Taking place several years after the events of Goof Troop, A Goofy Movie follows Goofy and his son, Max, who is now in high school, and revolves around the father-son relationship between the two as Goofy takes Max on a fishing trip out of fear that Max is drifting away from him, unintentionally interfering with Max's social life, particularly his relationship with Roxanne, his high school crush. It features the voices of Jason Marsden, Bill Farmer, Jim Cummings, Kellie Martin, Pauly Shore, Jenna von Oÿ, and Wallace Shawn, and prominently features the singing voice of Tevin Campbell as Powerline, a fictional pop star. The film was also dedicated to Pat Buttram, who died during the film's production.
A Goofy Movie was released theatrically on April 7, 1995, by Walt Disney Pictures to mixed reviews from critics and moderate box office success. It has since gained a cult following among millennials. A direct-to-video sequel to the film titled An Extremely Goofy Movie was released in February 2000.
The songs "I 2 I" and "Stand Out" were performed by R&B singer Tevin Campbell. The soundtrack album for A Goofy Movie was released by Walt Disney Records on March 18, 1995. Mitchell Musso covered the song "Stand Out" for the DisneyMania 7 album, which was released on March 9, 2010.
A Goofy Movie was released theatrically on April 7, 1995, by Walt Disney Pictures to mixed reviews from critics and moderate box office success. It has since gained a cult following among millennials. A direct-to-video sequel to the film titled An Extremely Goofy Movie was released in February 2000.
The songs "I 2 I" and "Stand Out" were performed by R&B singer Tevin Campbell. The soundtrack album for A Goofy Movie was released by Walt Disney Records on March 18, 1995. Mitchell Musso covered the song "Stand Out" for the DisneyMania 7 album, which was released on March 9, 2010.