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ARTiST.......: A2B feat. Fara                                            ─
TiTLE........: Tell Me Where You Are (4025858052052)                     ─
YeAR.........: 2009                                                      ─
GENRE........: Dance                                                     ─
LABEL........: Global Airbeatz                                           ─
NR.OF.TRACKS.: 14                                                        ─
TOTAL LENGTH.: 62:31 min                                                 ─
SOURCE.......: WEB                                                       ─
ENCODER......: Lame 3.98                                                 ─
QUALiTY......: 320 / 44,1                                                ─
SIZE.........: 143,3 MB                                                  ─
COVERS.......: YES [x]  NO [ ]                                           ─
RLS.DATE.....: 00-00-0000                                                ─
URL..........: http://www.dj-shop.at/                                    ─
─ NR. TRACKNAME                                                    TiME  ─
─                                                                │       ─
─ 01. tell me where you are (danny suko original club mix)       │ 05:03 ─
─ 02. tell me where you are (danny suko original radio edit)     │ 03:31 ─
─ 03. tell me where you are (empyre one remix)                   │ 06:05 ─
─ 04. tell me where you are (empyre one remix edit)              │ 03:30 ─
─ 05. tell me where you are (breakdawner remix)                  │ 05:08 ─
─ 06. tell me where you are (breakdawner remix edit)             │ 03:51 ─
─ 07. tell me where you are (alex gap treatment)                 │ 05:23 ─
─ 08. tell me where you are (alex gap treatment radio edit)      │ 03:18 ─
─ 09. tell me where you are (jan van bass 10 remix)              │ 05:29 ─
─ 10. tell me where you are (jan van bass 10 remix edit)         │ 03:36 ─
─ 11. tell me where you are (giornos jump remix)                 │ 04:59 ─
─ 12. tell me where you are (giornos jump edit)                  │ 03:42 ─
─ 13. tell me where you are (godlike music port remix)           │ 05:30 ─
─ 14. tell me where you are (godlike music port remix edit)      │ 03:26 ─
─                                                                │       ─
                                                          ─ TOTAL: 62:31 ─
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[-] 3 użytkowników podziękowało DJ Graco za ten post:
  • 2h8tthhf7i0, jetion, MINGLESS

Wiadomości w tym wątku
A2B_Feat._Fara-Tell_Me_Where_You_Are_(4025858052052)-WEB-2009-DWM - przez DJ Graco - 02-17-2021, 12:53

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