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     | :                                                                      : |
     |                           Va - Super Trance 0.1                          |
     | :                                                                      : |
     | :                                                                      : |
     |  Artist: Various Artists                                                 |
     |  Album : Super Trance 0.1                                                |
     | :                                                                      : |
     | :                                                                      : |
     |  Ripper      : SouNdly                                                   |
     |  Genre       : Trance                                                    |
     |  Date        : 09.01.2025                                                |
     |  Year        : 2018                                                      |
     |  Encoder     : Lame3.101                                                 |
     |  Quality     : 320kbps                                                   |
     |                44,1kHz / Joint Stereo                                    |
     |  Songs       : 24                                                        |
     |  Playtime    : 87:05                                                     |
     |  Size        : 192,96 MB                                                 |
     |  Language    : English                                                   |
     |  Format      : MP3                                                       |
     |  Type        : Album                                                     |
     |  Source      : WEB                                                       |
     |  URL         : https://listen.tidal.com/album/87955987/                  |
     | :                                                                      : |
     | :                                                                      : |
     |----------------------------- [ Tracklist ] ------------------------------|
     | :                                                                      : |
     |   01.4 Strings - Take Me Away                                  [03:03]   |
     |   02.Ron Van Den Beuken - Sunset                               [03:48]   |
     |   03.Randy Katana - Play It Loud                               [03:13]   |
     |   04.Angelcity - Do You Know                                   [03:03]   |
     |   05.Grooveyard - Mary Go Wild                                 [03:06]   |
     |   06.4 Strings - Sunrise                                       [03:25]   |
     |   07.Scotty - Insomnia                                         [03:48]   |
     |   08.Sylver - Why                                              [05:55]   |
     |   09.Jeckyll & Hyde - Frozen Flame                             [03:42]   |
     |   10.Peran - Wanna Have A Good Time                            [03:25]   |
     |   11.Randy Katana - Fancy Fair                                 [03:13]   |
     |   12.Tom Tom Le Chevalier - Never Ever (Radio)                 [03:31]   |
     |   13.Dennis Christopher - It's Not Right                       [02:51]   |
     |   14.Dj Rob Boskamp, Rocq-E Harrell - In The Evening           [02:59]   |
     |   15.Felix Project - Don't Leave                               [03:30]   |
     |   16.Jlm, Ariiel - Lift Me Up                                  [03:55]   |
     |   17.Mark Sinclair - Electric Sun                              [03:50]   |
     |   18.Mc Mario, Nache Martinez - Not Guilty                     [04:08]   |
     |   19.O Heller Project - Just The Way It Is                     [04:03]   |
     |   20.Ron Van Den Beuken - Find The Way                         [03:11]   |
     |   21.Mike Johnson, Rossko - I Remember                         [03:57]   |
     |   22.Krash, Sceifert - Emotion                                 [04:09]   |
     |   23.Shocksteady - Take A Ride                                 [03:20]   |
     |   24.Exo - Above The Clouds                                    [04:00]   |
     |                                                                -------   |
     |                                                              01:27:05    |
     |                                                              87:05 min   |
     |                                                             192,96 MB    |
     | :                                                                      : |

                          ::: have fun with the Oldi :::

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Wiadomości w tym wątku
VA_-_Super_Trance_0.1-WEB-2018-SouNdly_iNT - przez renegade22 - 01-09-2025, 20:16

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