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The literal translation of this song is quite complicated.... So I will explain the general meaning and the main message of this song:
The author talks about his dream and the path to it, how he started singing and how it helped him overcome difficulties.
The author also mentions that it is not always better where it is easier, and that it is important to prove your opinion and dream.
The author emphasizes that it is important to believe in yourself and your strength, even if it seems that everything is against you.
And also talks about how important it is not to be afraid to dream and follow your dream, despite the obstacles.
The author emphasizes that believing in a dream and following it can lead to success.
He also talks about how important it is not to forget your roots and what makes us human.
Liczba postów: 24,611
Liczba wątków: 19,302
Otrzymał 'thanks': 46,928
Przekazał 'thanks': 20,325
Держим путь на юг - птицы путь покажут
Derzhim put' na yug - ptitsy put' pokazhut
Let's head south - the birds will show the way